Help! tell plz as Bizarre Plants: Magical, Monstrous, Mythical by William A. Emboden spanish download information eng book

Help! tell plz as Bizarre Plants: Magical, Monstrous, Mythical by William A. Emboden spanish download information eng book

Help! tell plz as Bizarre Plants: Magical, Monstrous, Mythical by William A. Emboden spanish download information eng book

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Book description
Bizarre Plants is a book about plants so monstrous, mythical or magical that to ignore them would be to discredit mans sojourn through his fantastic world. It contains little known and forgotten histories of nature’s marvels that transcend the ordinary - the upside down looking baobab tree whose fruits resemble sausages - the fabled Coco de Mer from under the sea whose seed is like a giant female pelvis and more...
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