Help! tell plz as Birdscaping Your Garden: A Practical Guide to Backyard Birds and the Plants That Attract Them by George Adams view spanish free francais itunes

Help! tell plz as Birdscaping Your Garden: A Practical Guide to Backyard Birds and the Plants That Attract Them by George Adams view spanish free francais itunes

Help! tell plz as Birdscaping Your Garden: A Practical Guide to Backyard Birds and the Plants That Attract Them by George Adams …

> READ BOOK > Birdscaping Your Garden: A Practical Guide to Backyard Birds and the Plants That Attract Them

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Book description

Book description
A wonderful, useful book for anyone who wants their garden to provide food and habitat for wild birds. Among a wealth of useful information, two directories are especially useful: * Directory of Birds: Detailed information by species, including reasonably-available, garden-worthy native plants that they use for food and nesting material* Directory of Plants: Essential cultivation requirements for reasonably-available, garden-worthy native plants that are especially useful to birds, including how many bird species the plant serves (in some cases more than 80) and which specific species use it. (No point in planting a shrub that serves birds that never visit your state.)For example, if you have room for a new shrub and you want to encourage Chickadees to visit, you would look up Chickadees to find shrubs Chickadees love. To help decide which of those to plant, you would look up those shrubs to see which will fit and flourish in your garden, as well as which other birds also use the same shrubs (e.g., Cedar Waxwings, Goldfinches).
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