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Help! tell plz as Beginners Greek by James Collins value selling read itunes djvu

Help! tell plz as Beginners Greek by James Collins value selling read itunes djvu

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Be warned - I have found the secular worlds answer to BD Dayehu - James Collins. Midway - no, actually, a few pages in - I thought, is this his first novel? Yep. Which would stand as good argument against the most authors best books are their first. Not so much with Jimmy here.So I was excited for this one because it sounded cute - like the movie Serendipity which I totally enjoyed - guy meets girl on an airplane, a life long fantasy of finding true love in a random twist of fate and alas, he loses the number. So I thought this would move into interesting territory of maybe this wasnt meant to be/twists and turns of such nature. But no.So I am going to do some plot spoiling because, for Gds sake, do not bother. First of all, Holly, the woman of his dreams, is another Christine of With all my Vomit - she is beautiful, but a certain type of beauty, blah blah blah, and she is funny, and perfect, and nice, and blah blah - she totally falls for Peter who strikes me as incredibly boring, personally, over this five hour flight, and is devastated when he does not call.Well Fate brings Holly back into Peter;s life three years later - but, alas - oh those funny tricksters, she is dating his best friend. The best friend, by the way, is a bleeping bleep bleep, but somehow Peter the Great is still best friends with him and Saintly Holly goes on to marry him. I guess this is supposed to further the ... um ... irony? Anyway Peter is heart broken and watches best friend cheat on Holly left and right. Peter marries the incredibly annoying Charlotte, sealing the fate that he and Holly will never blend their one dimensional souls together. But wait. The night of the wedding, Hollys husband Jonathan, after having a fling with Charlottes step mother, is struck by lightning and dies. Im not kidding. So now Holly is a widow and Peter is stuck for life. But dont worry, as they harbor their secret crushes, and continue to be the noble and perfect people they are, Charlotte realizes they have feelings for each other and is thrilled for them (??), especially once she reconnects with a beau from her past and runs away with him, thus leaving the star crossed lovers to no longer be star crossed. Yay.In the meantime, we meet the Evil Boss who is there for, um, humor? Certainly not to lend any credibility to the story. Dialogue would go something like:Evil Boss: Peter, I hate your guts and I am looking to destroy you. Wah ha ha.Peter: Ok.Uch dont ask - Holly ends up with some boyfriend and this happens to be the head of Peters company and when Peter decides he must have Holly the boss is all, well who can resist Holly, sure go ahead.The BDE part was especially apparent at moments like this - describing Holly as having a horrible cold - eyes red, nose sniffly, lips chapped - and I am thinking, let me guess, she had never looked more beautiful. Yup. Vomit.
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