Help! tell plz as Bats of Britain and Europe (Hamlyn Field Guides) by Wilfried Schober book pocket download writer without signing

Help! tell plz as Bats of Britain and Europe (Hamlyn Field Guides) by Wilfried Schober book pocket download writer without signing

Help! tell plz as Bats of Britain and Europe (Hamlyn Field Guides) by Wilfried Schober book pocket download writer without signing

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Book description

Book description
This comprehensive field guide details the bats evolution - they have existed for at least 50 million years - life-cycle, flight, hibernation, breeding and use of sonar for echo location. Each species is described in full, with sections on identification, colour, distribution, habitat, migration, reproduction, life-span, hunting and feeding and calls. Every European species is illustrated in colour, and there are easy-to-use illustrated identification keys. Several bat species are endangered and a chapter on protection offers practical suggestions for conservation.
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