Help! tell plz as Bake!: Essential Techniques for Perfect Baking by Nick Malgieri read store amazon sale mobile

Help! tell plz as Bake!: Essential Techniques for Perfect Baking by Nick Malgieri read store amazon sale mobile

Help! tell plz as Bake!: Essential Techniques for Perfect Baking by Nick Malgieri read store amazon sale mobile

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Book description
Mr. Malgieris simple two word statement bake something helps me to do just that! He uses these two words in both of the books of his I have. This one was a bit overwhelming when I look at the table of contents and see 20 chapters. I am intimidated. After reading his short intro, I begin to calm down. The picture on the opposite page from the table of contents, a picture of Mr. Malgieri and a few of his students, all smiling while Mr.Malgieri is scooping a white mixturing out of a mixing bowl and placing it in a measuring device - on the table are 4 layers of yellow cake - frosting a cake and if it is to be 2 cakes, placing the white filling in between 2 layers. Got it and they are enjoying themselves . Now I am completely relaxed and thinking,I have done this tons of times. No reason to get nuts about this. In the intro, he mentions that he has video tutorials on his website and with the narrative written in a very understandable style along with the many fantastic photographs, this book is a winner. I will be learning and applying new techniques. I can do this. Now I am smiling also. A great new cookbook (for me) on making and baking something!! I read & reread this lovely book!
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