Help! tell plz as Atlas Obscura: An Explorers Guide to the Worlds Hidden Wonders by Joshua Foer (Goodreads Author) pdf download free

Help! tell plz as Atlas Obscura: An Explorers Guide to the Worlds Hidden Wonders by Joshua Foer (Goodreads Author) pdf download free

Help! tell plz as Atlas Obscura: An Explorers Guide to the Worlds Hidden Wonders by Joshua Foer (Goodreads Author) pdf download

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Book description

Book description
Inspiring equal parts wonder and wanderlust, Atlas Obscura celebrates over 600 of the strangest and most curious places in the world.Here are natural wonders—the dazzling glowworm caves in New Zealand, or a baobob tree in South Africa that’s so large it has a pub inside where 15 people can drink comfortably. Architectural marvels, including the M.C. Escher-like stepwells in India. Mind-boggling events, like the Baby Jumping Festival in Spain, where men dressed as devils literally vault over rows of squirming infants. Not to mention the Great Stalacpipe Organ in Virginia, Turkmenistan’s 45-year hole of fire called the Door of Hell, coffins hanging off a side of a cliff in the Philippines, eccentric bone museums in Italy, or a weather-forecasting invention that was powered by leeches, still on display in Devon, England.Atlas Obscura revels in the weird, the unexpected, the overlooked, the hidden, and the mysterious. Every page expands our sense of how strange and marvelous the world really is. And with its compelling descriptions, hundreds of photographs, surprising charts, maps for every region of the world, it is a book you can open anywhere.
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