Help! tell plz as A Romance on Three Legs: Glenn Goulds Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Piano by Katie Hafner (Goodreads Author) amazon book pocket full version link

Help! tell plz as A Romance on Three Legs: Glenn Goulds Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Piano by Katie Hafner (Goodreads Author) amazon book pocket full version link

Help! tell plz as A Romance on Three Legs: Glenn Goulds Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Piano by Katie Hafner (Goodreads Author)

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Book description
Glenn Gould was famous for his obsessions: the scarves, sweaters and fingerless gloves that he wore even on the hottest summer days; his deep fear of germs and illness; the odd wooden pygmy chair that he carried with him wherever he performed; and his sudden withdrawal from the public stage at the peak of his career. But perhaps Goulds greatest obsession of all was for a particular piano, a Steinway concert grand known as CD318 (C, meaning for the use of Steinway Concert Artists only, and D, denoting it as the largest that Steinway built). A Romance on Three Legs is the story of Goulds love for this piano, from the first moment of discovery, in a Toronto dept. store, to the tragic moment when the piano was dropped and seriously damaged while being transported from a concert overseas. Hafner also introduces us to the world and art of piano tuning, including a central character in Goulds life, the blind tuner Verne Edquist, who lovingly attended to CD318 for more than two decades. We learn how a concert grand is built, and the fascinating story of how Steinway & Sons weathered the war years by supplying materials for the military effort. Indeed, CD318 came very close to ending up as a series of glider parts or, worse, a casket. The book has already been lauded by Kevin Bazzana, author of the definitive Gould biography, who notes that Hafner has clarified some old mysteries and turned up many fresh details.
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