Help! tell plz as A New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America by Lionel Wafer pc free original full link

Help! tell plz as A New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America by Lionel Wafer pc free original full link

Help! tell plz as A New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America by Lionel Wafer pc free original full link

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Book description

Book description
1903. Wafer was an English naval surgeon who deserted to join the buccaneers. This volume recalls his adventures and observations of his expeditions to the Isthmus, the western coast of South America and the West Indies from 1680 to 1688. While crossing the Isthmus of Panama after the taking of Santa Maria, Wafer was injured and left in the care of Darien Indians. The Indians took a liking to him, which allowed him to gather material for this book. He was picked up by William Dampier, the English explorer and buccaneer. His book today is still recognized as a standard reference on the area.
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