Help! tell plz as A Lucky Lady by Irene Saunders spanish download information eng book

Help! tell plz as A Lucky Lady by Irene Saunders spanish download information eng book

Help! tell plz as A Lucky Lady by Irene Saunders spanish download information eng book

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Book description
Could Luck Be A Lady? Annette de Jouer was the talk of the town. This beautiful, mysterious creature had opened the most seccessful gambling house in London. There she dazzled the lords who came to play with her charm, then bested them with her skill. But no lord suspected the truth about her identity -- and she vowed to keep it a secret from all. Even from the wealthy, handsome, and imperious Jason Winslow, the Earl of Longworth, Annette successfully kept her secret. For when he cam to resuce his impetuous younger brother from her clutches, and stayed to put her virtue to the test, she made him forget that he was a gentleman . . .
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