Help! tell plz as 100 Most Dangerous Things On The Planet by Anna Claybourne online format kickass phone german

Help! tell plz as 100 Most Dangerous Things On The Planet by Anna Claybourne online format kickass phone german

Help! tell plz as 100 Most Dangerous Things On The Planet by Anna Claybourne online format kickass phone german

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Book description
Learn how to face and survive the most dangerous and disastrous things that could possibly happen!From natural disasters to dangerous weather, from the dangers of getting lost in the wild to fighting off dangerous animals, any child can imagine the special skills theyll need to combat 100 real-life dramas.Each danger is rated by how likely you are to encounter it, as well as how likely you are to survive; from the unlikely event of being struck by a meteor (with minimal chance of surviving), or being attacked by a bear, to the more likely event of successfully surviving a flood or forest fire.
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