Heart Of The Golden West Movie In Hindi Dubbed Download

Heart Of The Golden West Movie In Hindi Dubbed Download


Heart Of The Golden West Movie In Hindi Dubbed Download


Roy Rogers (<a href=">Roy Rogers), Frog Millhouse (<a href=">Smiley Burnette), Gabby Whittaker (<a href=">George &#39;Gabby&#39; Hayes) and the Sons of the Pioneers (<a href=">Sons of the Pioneers) undertake to protect the ranchers of Cherokee City from unjust charges levied against them for transporting their cattle to the stock yards of the packing houses. Trucking executive Ross Lambert (<a href=">Edmund MacDonald) doubles his rates and Roy decides to try and convince old Colonel Silas Popen (<a href=">Walter Catlett) to run his riverboat as far as Cherokee City and transport the cattle that way. Roy and his friends plan a &quot;western&quot; welcome for Popen and his daughter Mary Lou (<a href=">Ruth Terry), but James Barabee (<a href=">Paul Harvey, head of the cattleman&#39;s association, sends Roy a wire warning him that Popen hates and fears anything smacking of the &quot;wild west.&quot; Lambert and his henchman Cully Bronson (<a href=">William Haade) intercept the wire and start a campaign to make Cherokee City appear lawless and wild, so that Popen will refuse to bring his steamboats up the river. They also set fire to the steamboat and rustle all the cattle, hiding them in an underground cave covered by a waterfall. Mary Lou discovers the lair and Roy and his friends shoot it out with the Lambert gang.
Lambert owns the trucking line that ships cattle to market. When he raises his rates Roy decides to ship the cattle on the River Boat. When Lambert and his men are unable to stop the boat, they rustle the cattle.
Edmund MacDonald head of a trucking company and William Haade his chief henchman are making some big trouble for rancher Paul Harvey and his foreman Roy Rogers in Heart Of The Golden West. It seems as though the trucking company, the only shipping conveyance for their cattle is charging some exorbitant rates. Although Harvey is all for knuckling under Roy&#39;s a man of action. And I don&#39;t mean he&#39;s going to take this to the Interstate Commerce Commission.<br/><br/>Roy&#39;s scheme is to use a riverboat and ship his cattle to the stockyards by water. And he invites the steamboat owner Walter Catlett to sign the deal with Harvey. Of course MacDonald gets wind of it and therein lies the tale.<br/><br/>Heart Of The Golden West has a lot more comedy in it than the normal Roy Rogers westerns although they never lacked for it. Mainly because of Walter Catlett who plays a Senator Claghorn type owner of the steamboat who comes to town with daughter Ruth Terry who is Roy&#39;s romantic interest. MacDonald intercepts a telegram telling Roy that Catlett hates everything about the wild west even if it&#39;s not that wild any more. MacDonald will make sure it&#39;s wild and Catlett and his reactions to the situations are pretty funny. Running a close second is the perpetually exasperated Harvey.<br/><br/>And if that wasn&#39;t enough Roy gets two sidekicks in this film, Gabby Hayes and Smiley Burnette. The two of them in a horse costume with Catlett unwillingly on board is a riot unto itself.<br/><br/>The Hall Johnson Choir appears in Heart Of The Golden West singing some Negro spirituals which the Sons Of The Pioneers join in with Roy as a soloist. Makes for some nice cross cultural music.<br/><br/>Heart Of The Golden West, definitely one of Roy&#39;s better films and Catlett and Harvey are priceless.
Roy Rogers (as Roy), Smiley Burnette (as Frog), George &quot;Gabby&quot; Hayes (as Gabby), and &quot;The Sons of the Pioneers&quot; defend Cherokee City ranchers against taxes imposed on transporting cattle. Edmund McDonald (as Ross Lambert) leads the evil-doers.<br/><br/>The story is slight. Mr. Burnette and Mr. Hayes team-up for a ludicrous &quot;two-men-in-the-horse&quot; joke. This, and action sequences appear to have been speeded up for dramatic and/or comic effect. The film includes a generous, interesting amount of location work; climaxing with a storm-drenched river scene. Unfortunately, the relatively low budget makes certain sequences appear more technically incompetent than exciting. Song highlights are when Mr. Rogers sings with Riverboat workers, on &quot;Who&#39;s Gonna Help Me Sing?&quot; and &quot;The River Robin&quot;. <br/><br/>** Heart of the Golden West (1942) Joseph Kane ~ Roy Rogers, Smiley Burnette, George &#39;Gabby&#39; Hayes


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