Healthy milkshake: 6 light recipes for those who don't want to give up dessert

Healthy milkshake: 6 light recipes for those who don't want to give up dessert

A good way to sweeten the routine - and ensure tastier snacks - is to bet on healthy milkshakes, usually made with fruits and light ingredients. They work like vitamins and can be consumed both as a snack and for breakfast. Wonderful, right? Do you want to learn how to make these healthy shakes on a daily basis? We've separated 6 very nutritious and easy-to-prepare ideas. Check out!

1. Red fruit milkshake

How about making a very nutritious milkshake with cream ice cream and berries? The ideal, in this case, is to use a lighter version of ice cream (with low fat and sugar), add the fruits (which can be strawberries, raspberries and blackberries) and then blend everything in a blender. If necessary, also add a little honey and that's it!

2. Lactose-free chocolate and banana milkshake

If you have lactose intolerance, it is very important to be careful with the ingredients used to prepare the shake. Regular milk and most yogurts, for example, should be discarded in this case. The good news is that there are some recipes that do not use lactose and are very tasty!

You can make a lactose-free banana and chocolate milkshake, for example, which is pretty quick to make: take organic bananas (frozen and cut into slices), cocoa powder, demerara sugar, zero lactose milk, then beat everything in the blender. Simple, right?

3. Natural yogurt and mango milkshake

Have you ever heard of the light mango milkshake? It is made with plain yogurt (in place of ice cream), frozen mangoes (cut into small pieces) and a little honey to sweeten it. Just blend all the ingredients in a blender and that's it! If the consistency is too thick, a good tip is also to add a little milk. It is delicious!

4. Peanut butter milkshake

Another interesting tip is to bet on more daring shakes, using ingredients like peanut butter. In this case, you can mix vegetable milk, a little oatmeal, demerara sugar and peanut butter. Blend everything in a blender and that's it! Another interesting tip is to add a little banana, to make the shake more nutritious, flavorful and creamier.

5. Strawberry light milkshake

The strawberry milkshake is one of the most classic, right? The good news is that - instead of making a high calorie recipe (with too much sugar, for example) - you can use light ingredients to make healthier versions of the drink.

Mix milk, frozen strawberries, some ice cream and strawberry lights, then blend everything in a blender. The result is very creamy and you can take it as an afternoon snack. Here's the tip!

6. Banana milkshake with oatmeal

Another interesting tip is to prepare a light milkshake with banana and oatmeal. In this case, place banana slices, milk, ice, oat bran and some light cream ice cream in a container. You just need to blend everything in a blender or a mixer and that's it! It is also a good idea to add a little honey to sweeten it or a little cinnamon. It is delicious!

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