HeMan And SheRa The Secret Of The Sword Movie In Tamil Dubbed Download

HeMan And SheRa The Secret Of The Sword Movie In Tamil Dubbed Download


He-Man And She-Ra: The Secret Of The Sword Movie In Tamil Dubbed Download


Prince Adam and Cringer travel to Etheria in search of the one who is meant for a special destiny.....One who will gain the power to become She-ra, and who will fight to free Etheria from the Horde's evil grasp.
Prince Adam is sent to the world of Etheria to find his long abducted sister, Adora, and awaken her to her own destiny.
Jarred from her sleep by dark memories of the past, the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull is guided by a magical sword, a sword fashioned much like He-Man&#39;s, to a room whose doors have been closed for as long as she can remember. It is at that moment the sword reveals its purpose and the Sorceress realizes it is time for the true heir to the sword to emerge. But she cannot accomplish her goal alone, for she cannot leave the vicinity of Grayskull and retain her powers. So she calls on Prince Adam/He-Man to assist her. And there is where the adventure begins. . . .<br/><br/>It&#39;s easy to tell this movie was made in the 80&#39;s because of it&#39;s animation. But that aside, this is a cool movie about faith, hope, and love. It&#39;s a somewhat difficult movie to find, both in the stores and online, but if you can find it, it&#39;s worth watching.
It was an excellent way to start of the She-Ra series and end the Masters of the Universe. He-Man (Prince Adam) discovers he has a sister She-Ra (Princess Adora)and that Hordak, Skeletor&#39;s former mentor kidnapped her as a baby, and raised almost as his own daughter. He-Man&#39;s task is to travel to Etheria (the world that Hordak took her to) and give her her own magic sword (called the Sword of Protection) and reveal to her her true identity, the Princess of Eternia, and She-Ra. If you liked either series, it is a must see.


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