Halo 3 720p Movies

Halo 3 720p Movies


Halo 3 720p Movies


Master Cheif returns to a Covenant Dominated Earth on a mission to kill the final alien leader. Meanwhile, the Arbiter, Johnson, and Keyes form a loose alliance and escape from Delta Halo. The Covenant is ripped in civil war, and the Elites along with a handful of other alien races become sympathetic to the human cause. Delta Halo's impromptu dis-activation has brought all of the Halos to a "remote activation phase". They can be activated from a facility called the ark, which happens to be on Earth.
Master Chief and the Arbiter must join together to attack the Covenant and destroy the Flood.
This was a very worthy sequel to the ground breaking game that defined this generation's breakthrough in consol gaming. I loved the Film capability, where you could play back your missions and take screen shots of your past exploits, the only down side is you could only record multiplayer sessions and not actual game play. The possibility was there to make raw footage of a "Halo" fan film and edit it how you wanted with out doing restart after restart trying to get it right and using another player's view to film it, but was just out of reach. Seeing grainy fan films on youtube(accomplished but locking the camera in front of the screen and trying to keep the reflections to a minimum or seting a VCR to record on a network screen) will have to endure a bit longer until someone finds out how to record or Bungee agrees to let players record actual gameplay. Aside from that, great ending to the trilogy. Master chief fulfils his promise, all characters introduced in the preceding two games were actively used, new weapons, and my favorite, the "Hornet" was introduced. Master chief could finally fly in alliance sanctioned and engineered Ordinance. Heavy machine guns and short range missiles were equipped and the landing skids could carry two extra soldiers for extra firepower. As a plus, if you took the time you discovered a way to bring down the Scarabs(also a great addition) from the air without landing inside. Another plus, you could freely use the heavy artillery: the gattling guns and pulse cannons. They could be used at their set points or torn off(with a cinematic show of strength which only the Master Chief could pull off) and move around with them with a 200 round limit. Great scenery, classic weapons and vehicles(the warthog), new weapons, new vehicles, and a great ending secquence reminiscent of the first Halo which I still play over and over again, then watch on the film.
Let&#39;s just say Halo 3 is a powerful and exciting game that could be famed worldwide for years on end. The game has a few features, all compelling and worth delving into, with only a few flaws here and there. But the glitches, Easter Eggs and Skulls (which are all hidden) keep the community and fans always knowing there&#39;s more after the completion of the surprisingly short campaign.<br/><br/>Campaign - Halo: Combat Evolved had 10 levels, Halo 2 was longer with 15. But Halo 3? Only 9. I felt that Halo 3&#39;s campaign was slightly rushed and shorter than it had the potential to be. It was fun and dramatic, with new weapons, new vehicles and the usual hype and adrenaline caught it in the battles and firefights. The levels were quite well-structured, individually carrying its own ups and downs. For example, one level was notorious for being incredibly hard, but it compensated by being short. Another level was quite enjoyable and explosive, but was the longest. Halo 3&#39;s campaign, for me carried an 8/10 mark.<br/><br/>Matchmaking - The matchmaking in the Halo Trilogy is better than ever, with many different categories and playlists, a weekly DoubleXPWeekend playlist, and a few unique choices. This feature is obviously the most played in the world, as statistics even pointed out that matchmaking play time had taken up millions of years in the second year of Halo 3&#39;s release. Matchmaking is when you compete against other players online, around the world, no matter where they are, as long as they have connection. It is the most addictive of the features and it has kept Halo fans playing the game for long stretches of time on end. A definite recommendation to any fan of Online Shooters. The only downfall is the scope and scale of the games. Some people think that 8 players fighting on a map that would&#39;ve suited 16 is quite slow-paced and not explosive and action-packed enough. Matchmaking should deserve a 9/10 mark.<br/><br/>Custom Games - Usual Custom Game choices include the map and gametype. But this one allows you to choose your own custom created map and your own custom created gametype, with precise settings that the Party Leader chooses to tweak gameplay in whatever way possible. Custom Games are inventive and very free-choiced. A downside is that sometimes the custom choices aren&#39;t as spaced and varied as they could&#39;ve been. Probably an 8/10.<br/><br/>Forge - This is Halo 3&#39;s &quot;Unique Feature&quot;. It allows gamers to visit a map and just play around with it. Like, deleting objects, changing objects, adding objects, with near-infinite choices when it comes to the downloadable maps like Foundry or Sandbox. It allows you to morph the map into whatever shape you want it to be. These maps can be used in Custom Games or posted on the File Share to show to the world. But maybe Bungie could&#39;ve been more free with what you can do with the addition and positioning of the objects. I&#39;d give it a 9/10.<br/><br/>Theatre - Another Unique Feature in Halo 3 is the Theatre, where you can see games, take screenshots or film videos, and then see them, share them, and post them on the File Share to let it to the community. The Theatre is inventive and useful for reliving memorable moments, like an impressive kill of maybe a photo that you think looks cool. This feature is quite good, like what REALLY annoys if the fact that if you do not save a video and therefore brand it as part of your &#39;out-of-100&#39; custom saved content list, you cannot screen it the next day or afterwards. A 7/10 for this one.<br/><br/>Halo 3 is a game to look out for, and I think all lovers of Sci-Fi or First-Person-Shooter will love it and its infinite possibilities.<br/><br/>Total Mark: 8/10 <br/><br/>By HowlingRabbit334

During the course of the story and in the announcement trailer, Chief recieves broadcasts from Cortana while she&#39;s under the influence of the Gravemind, which led many fans to think the AI was corrupted or rampant. However, these versions of Cortana are copies and damaged files. Cortana herself is not evil. Official press release shows Halo 3 to have earned over $170 million, becoming the biggest single-day sales event in entertainment history, until the release of Grand Theft Auto 4.<br/><br/>http://www.majornelson.com/archive/2007/09/26/it-s-official-quot-halo-3-quot-registers-biggest-day-in-us-entertainment-history.aspx It is very possible. While Bungie did leave Microsoft, Microsoft owns the rights to the Halo name and universe, so there will never be a Halo game on any other system. However, Bungie still retains the rights for their Marathon franchise (the precursor and story basis for Halo), and it seems likely that they will do a Marathon remake at some point in time. They did say that little will actually change and they still plan to work almost exclusively with Microsoft and their consoles, but being independent means they they will not only see a bigger share of the return on sales, but they will be free to work on whatever they wish and are not obliged to continue the Halo franchise. But there is talks of a new Halo project. This new Halo project is going to be a new trilogy and Peter Jackson will do some of the work on it, supposedly. As for Halo 4, the story did end with Master Chief lost in space. So there may be another Halo game leaving off with this one. Only time can tell now what Bungie will do.<br/><br/>It is worth noting that since Microsoft does own the Halo name and story, they could have another developer make a new Halo game, much like Bioware and Obsidian did with the two Knights Of The Old Republic and Neverwinter Nights games.<br/><br/>Halo Reach will be a prequel to Halo (2001). After Halo Reach, the Halo series will be over.<br/><br/>The above statement is no longer the case. The series is now being taken over by 343 Industries. At the E3 convention, they officially announced Halo 4. A page on Xbox.com has been set up.<br/><br/>http://www.xbox.com/en-US/Marketplace/Product/Halo-4 No. Stay after the credits(without pressing ANY buttons at all) and you&#39;ll see Master Chief and Cortana lost in space. a5c7b9f00b

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