Halls Of Montezuma Movie Free Download Hd

Halls Of Montezuma Movie Free Download Hd


Halls Of Montezuma Movie Free Download Hd


A company of Marines races against the clock to find a Japanese rocket base.
The Marines attack a strongly held enemy island in the Pacific. We follow them from the beach to a Japanese rocket site through enemy infested jungle as their ex-school teacher leader is transformed into a battle veteran and his squad becomes a tight fighting unit.
&#39;Halls of Montezuma&#39; just lacks the gut-wrenching power and poignancy of 1930&#39;s &#39;All Quiet on the Western Front&#39;, also directed by Lewis Milestone and one of the greatest war films ever made, but even to this day it remains extremely enjoyable.<br/><br/>Do have to agree on the very few flaws covered in a couple of reviews already. Also did find the Japanese tactics revelation absurd and by today&#39;s standards and even back then it feels outdated and one flashback clumsy in placement and execution. Robert Wagner seemed a little wooden in places too.<br/><br/>Conversely, &#39;Halls of Montezuma&#39; is a great-looking film. The production values are suitably gritty, while the cinematography is outstanding and the editing remarkably smooth from frame to frame. The music, kept at minimum wisely, is rousing with a memorable theme song, while Milestone directs with eye for spectacle and an ability to make the story and drama absorbing, refusing to let the pace lag which is remarkable for a more intimate war film.<br/><br/>The script is thought-provoking and while the characters seem like stereotypes at first there is a noble and successful effort to develop them, so they are interesting. The story is told with a lot of intimacy and ambition while also giving the war scenes real urgency and power. Excellent casting helps, and apart from slight reservations about Wagner, &#39;Halls of Montezuma&#39; doesn&#39;t disappoint.<br/><br/>Richard Widmark is a commanding lead, playing with searing intensity often, while Richard Boone, Karl Malden and Jack Webb are very strong in their roles as is a pre-&quot;evil incarnate&quot;/over-the-top specialist Jack Palance in one of his first roles (and for an early role he is very good indeed though he went on to better things).<br/><br/>Overall, extremely enjoyable, not one of the most definitive war films ever but one of the most successful and interesting WWII films. 8/10 Bethany Cox
Halls of Montezuma takes a look at the lives and phscye of the individual soldiers trying to locate a missile battery on a Japanese held island in the south pacific in WWII. The technicolor footage is lush and the special effect are great for a movie of this era.<br/><br/>It shows how the men become to depend on each other and their leader to help save the next landing of troops. While the acting is not as up to par as the rest of the film there are a few surprises in store. Jack Palance gives a good performance as a prize fighter looking out for a kid from the wrong side of the tracks. The shock is the rough and tumble Jack of later years comes off here as effeminate, soft-spoken and possibly gay (not that there is anything wrong with that), with his love for pretty boy. A real shock for those used to his later films.<br/><br/>This film takes the tradition set forth in &quot;All Quite On The Western Front&quot; and updates it for WWII. If you are a fan of war films you must see this one.


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