HOT What Americans Really Want...Really: The Truth About Our Hopes, Dreams, and Fears by Frank Luntz flibusta italian online original selling

HOT What Americans Really Want...Really: The Truth About Our Hopes, Dreams, and Fears by Frank Luntz flibusta italian online original selling

HOT What Americans Really Want...Really: The Truth About Our Hopes, Dreams, and Fears by Frank Luntz flibusta italian online original

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Book description

Book description
From restaurant booths to voting booths, Luntz has watched and assessed our private habits, our public interests, and our hopes and fears. What are the five things Americans want the most? What do they really want in their daily lives? In their jobs? From their government? For their families? And how does understanding what Americans want allow businesses to thrive? Luntz disassembles the preconceived notions we have about one another and lays all the pieces of the American condition out in front of us, openly and honestly, then puts the pieces back together in a way that reflects the society in which we live. What Americans Really Want...Really is a real, if sometimes scary, discussion of Americans secret hopes, fears, wants, and needs. The research in this book represents a decade of face-to-face interviews with twenty-five thousand people and telephone polls with one million more, as well as the exclusive, first-ever What Americans Really Want survey. What Luntz offers is a glimpse into the American psyche, along with analysis that will rock assumptions and right business judgment. He proves that success in virtually any profession demands that we either understand what Americans really want, or suffer the consequences. Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers Author: Frank I. Luntz Format: 336 pages, hardcover ISBN: 9781401322816
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