HOT Water Consciousness: How We All Have to Change to Protect Our Most Critical Resource by Tara Lohan (Editor) read eng italian price online

HOT Water Consciousness: How We All Have to Change to Protect Our Most Critical Resource by Tara Lohan (Editor) read eng italian price online

HOT Water Consciousness: How We All Have to Change to Protect Our Most Critical Resource by Tara Lohan (Editor) read eng italian

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Book description
How much water do we have left?How can we preserve and protect our freshwater reserves?How can we ensure equitable access to water for everyone?Water Consciousness: How We All Have to Change to Protect Our Most Critical Resource is a solution-focused guide to the global water crisis hitting home everywhere. In-depth essays from leading thinkers and stunning photographs illuminate what we can do as individuals an as nations to reverse this crisis. Authors cover a breadth of topics including conservation, privatization, technology, grassroots movements, and the need for new laws that treat water as a common trust, not a commodity. Water Consciousness will not only inspire you to change how you think about water but also to change how you live with and use water every day.
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