HOT Warren Buffet Speaks by Jane Lowe read without signing audio fb2 online

HOT Warren Buffet Speaks by Jane Lowe read without signing audio fb2 online

HOT Warren Buffet Speaks by Jane Lowe read without signing audio fb2 online

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Book description
A compilation of Buffets philosophies about investing and wealth told through anecdotes and quotations. A quick and very interesting read. Buffet is the ultimate fundamental investor, so much so that he never even calls it that. To summarize his approach: know what businesses you understand; buy as you would if forced to hold for 5 or 10 years; look for simple bargains (selling less than book value; position is strong and someone will know what to do with it if current management doesnt; market for company is strong, etc); dont diversify so much that you have too much to follow (which also makes you make good decisions on the ones you buy).
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