HOT Wanted: Wife by Gwen Jones touch ipad apple reader online

HOT Wanted: Wife by Gwen Jones touch ipad apple reader online

HOT Wanted: Wife by Gwen Jones touch ipad apple reader online

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Book description
Andy Devine is advertising for a wife on a utility pole, and interviewing him is the last thing TV reporter Julie Knott needs. Especially after her cheating fiancé just tweeted their disengagement. Now she has got to choose: get the story — or become it?Wanted: WifeLanded, Financially Secure 40-Yr-Old Male* Handsome, but with old-school communication skills and a secret past *Seeks Healthy, Athletic Female* Preferably a pretty reporter with a messy love life who has never spent a day in the woods *For Marriage and Family* What could possibly go wrong? *If you love the humor and romance of Rachel Gibson and Susan Elizabeth Phillips, dont miss the fabulous debut of Gwen Jones!
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