HOT Undermining: A Wild Ride Through Land Use, Politics, and Art in the Changing West by Lucy R. Lippard pdf online reading

HOT Undermining: A Wild Ride Through Land Use, Politics, and Art in the Changing West by Lucy R. Lippard pdf online reading

HOT Undermining: A Wild Ride Through Land Use, Politics, and Art in the Changing West by Lucy R. Lippard pdf online reading

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Book description
Award-winning author, curator, and activist Lucy R. Lippard is one of America’s most influential writers on contemporary art, a pioneer in the fields of cultural geography, conceptualism, and feminist art. Hailed for the breadth of her reading and the comprehensiveness with which she considers the things that define place (The New York Times), Lippard now turns her keen eye to the politics of land use and art in an evolving New West.Working from her own lived experience in a New Mexico village and inspired by gravel pits in the landscape, Lippard weaves a number of fascinating themes—among them fracking, mining, land art, adobe buildings, ruins, Indian land rights, the Old West, tourism, photography, and water—into a tapestry that illuminates the relationship between culture and the land. From threatened Native American sacred sites to the history of uranium mining, she offers a skeptical examination of the subterranean economy.Featuring more than two hundred gorgeous color images, Undermining is a must-read for anyone eager to explore a new way of understanding the relationship between art and place in a rapidly shifting society.
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