HOT Uncle Andys Cats by James Warhola book audio shop page author

HOT Uncle Andys Cats by James Warhola book audio shop page author

HOT Uncle Andys Cats by James Warhola book audio shop page author

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Book description

Book description
It all started with a little blue cat named Hester. Then along came Sam, and it was love at first sight -- and lots of little Sams! While the cats are perfectly happy stampeding through Uncle Andys art studio and frolicking among his soup boxes, the humans know things have to change. So Uncle Andy devises a brilliant plan to make his cats famous -- and easier to find homes for. James Warholas childhood memories of trips to New York City to visit his uncle, Andy Warhol, inspired this warm, funny story of the famous artists house full of cats. Kids will pore over the illustrations trying to spot all the Sams, as well as some very clever mice.
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