HOT Trees of the Smokies by Steve Kemp value selling read itunes djvu

HOT Trees of the Smokies by Steve Kemp value selling read itunes djvu

HOT Trees of the Smokies by Steve Kemp value selling read itunes djvu

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Book description
While I wish the book had full-tree silhouettes like some tree identification books Ive seen, the photos of leaves and illustrations of leaves and fruit are excellent. Ive been wandering around in my yard (I live in East Tennessee) identifying trees all afternoon with the book. I fell in love with the text when I read this line in the Yellow Buckeye entry: The nut is shiny, a rich brown color, and feels good in the palm of your hand.The books size is convenient for sticking in a pocket or sliding into a daypack. The entries are laid out very well, with similar-looking and/or related trees grouped. Theres a tree checklist, a map of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and some general information about tree diseases and champion trees, etc. in the front. Theres also an index in the back.
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