HOT Thunder of Valmy by Geoffrey Trease android download writer german pocket

HOT Thunder of Valmy by Geoffrey Trease android download writer german pocket

HOT Thunder of Valmy by Geoffrey Trease android download writer german pocket

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Book description
There are very few books where I go completely and utterly away... I can call something a thumping good read and yet be somehow removed from the world I am in... This strange and delicious sensation of utterly and entirely entering a book dont even always happen with good books, it could be a very badly written book and some strange phenomena happens and Im simply away.This time the the experience was doubled, because I went away to a phenomenally written book.I hardly ever read books set during the French Revolution, aside from having little interest in the era I find it depressing. However, I decided to try this book because it was by one of my favorite authors and I was not disappointed.Victory at Valmy is not so much a book as a moving picture - I really felt like I was walking slowly down the length of an immense painting, slow moving but incredibly vibrant, every brushstroke perfect.As usual Geoffrey Treases book are full of a sly, gentle humor, thought provoking content and the most amazing descriptions. Each piece of prose just sweeps up under the reader like a whitecap, tossing you from one line to another, making it impossible to set this book down. This book drew me in and now its sitting on my shelf to join the ranks of the other Trease books that have rarely failed to delight and captivate me.Content Advisory: The French Revolution is not a light subject but this it the only media I have ever see of the subject that keeps a tasteful distance from the brutality of the time. The main character briefly sees a mob carrying a head on a stake but that is the most blatant scene and is quickly glossed over. All the other horrors and trials of this time are mere a sensation, a kind of grim it is coming cloud over the story that the characters keep pushing away. This is really brilliant because its so like real life. Most people dont go through life at the center of things - like those 12 year old characters in Revolutionary War books that somehow manage to meet George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and every other important historical figure in the space of a hundred pages - this book feels so much like real life in that terrible things are happening around us all the time, things that indirectly or directly effect us, but they dont always seem that real, a test, or a great movie, or driving to work seem more real, more pressing. The grimmest days are punctuated by bursts of normalcy like enjoying a sunset or tasting our favorite food. Life keeps going on even as the world winds down to the final judgement and this is what this book really captured - the God given ability of man to cope with the impossible, to see a crazed mob beheading a human being and then go home and paint a picture full of light - because if we dont light a candle our corner of the world only gets darker.
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