HOT Thrive: A Guide to Optimal Health & Performance Through Plant-Based Whole Foods by Brendan Brazier (Goodreads Author) download book mobi

HOT Thrive: A Guide to Optimal Health & Performance Through Plant-Based Whole Foods by Brendan Brazier (Goodreads Author) download book mobi

HOT Thrive: A Guide to Optimal Health & Performance Through Plant-Based Whole Foods by Brendan Brazier (Goodreads Author) download

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Book description
In this book, Brendan Brazier, a successful professional athlete and renowned expert on the benefits of plant-based whole foods, presents the plant-based whole foods diet he created for himself. The major benefit of the diet is its ability to assist people in reaching and maintaining optimal health by reducing nutritional stress. He credits his dietary stress reduction program for significantly increasing his performance as a professional athlete and succeeding in one of the worlds most demanding sports. He is the 2003 Canadian 50 kilometre Ultra Marathon Champion and consistently places near the top at international Ironman triathlon events. He lectures regularly on the benefits of plant-based nutrition throughout the United States and Canada. The book includes a sample meal plan and 15 whole food recipes. Dr. Zoltan Rona, medical editor of the Encyclopedia of Natural Healing and author of the foreword to Thrive, highly recommends the book: I think that after reading this book, you will no doubt be convinced that a plant-based whole foods diet is the true future for optimal health.
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