HOT Thirteen Days to Midnight by Patrick Carman (Goodreads Author) read txt how download audio prewiew

HOT Thirteen Days to Midnight by Patrick Carman (Goodreads Author) read txt how download audio prewiew

HOT Thirteen Days to Midnight by Patrick Carman (Goodreads Author) read txt how download audio prewiew

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Book description
If you could have only one superpower, what would it be?This is how the novel started. And it grabbed my attention there, at the very first sentence. And it didnt let go until the very last.This is a story about Jacob Fielding, a guy who finds out that he has a superpower(s): invincibility and immortality. Cool, right? Well, not so much. After some time he finds out that having a superpower isnt as cool as it seems. And that is because... wait for it...(so cheesy, I know)But, all jokes aside, I didnt expect to like this book as much as I did. It was a thrilling read and it kept me on the edge of my seat til the very end. I also really enjoyed the way it ended and how bittersweet the ending was. If you like quick fantasy/thriller books, I suggest giving this a try. It might just surprise you, cause it sure as hell did surprise me.
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