HOT The Self-Sufficient Home: Going Green and Saving Money by Christopher Nyerges fb2 online reading

HOT The Self-Sufficient Home: Going Green and Saving Money by Christopher Nyerges fb2 online reading

HOT The Self-Sufficient Home: Going Green and Saving Money by Christopher Nyerges fb2 online reading

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Book description
How to cut heating and cooling costs, utilize solar energy, construct nonflush toilets and solar showers, collect rainwater, and apply permaculture techniquesHundreds of photographs and diagrams illustrate ways to use natural resources and embrace self-reliance Sustainable living advice from self-reliance expert Christopher Nyerges, editor of Wilderness Way magazine and author of How to Survive AnywhereIn an ever-changing economy, cutting costs and utilizing available resources is essential. From embracing solar energy and wind power to using fluorescent bulbs and growing backyard vegetable gardens, there are endless ways to live a more ecological and economical lifestyle.
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