HOT The Second Confession by Rex Stout online flibusta story tablet free

HOT The Second Confession by Rex Stout online flibusta story tablet free

HOT The Second Confession by Rex Stout online flibusta story tablet free

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Book description
It started innocently enough. A millionaire asked Nero Wolfe to get a proof his daughters boyfriend is a member of US Communist Party (we are talking about McCarthyism era here when people were afraid of Communists - replaced by terrorists these days - and were sure they eat babies for breakfast). This is a typical conflict between the fathers and sons (daughters) where the father does not approve his potential son-in-law and the daughter dates the guy just in spite. Nero Wolfe - or Archie Goodwin to be exact - soon finds the needed proof, but the great detective will shortly have to use his abilities in his preferred area of crime - murders. It does not help any than his arch-enemy called Mr. Zeck decided he does not like Wolfes investigation methods and that the latter should be taught a lesson. I belong to a generation which luckily did not see the whole McCarthy vs. Evil Communists farce. It was highly amusing to see the whole fear and mistrust it created despite the fact that this is not a historical book by any stretch of definition of the genre. As usual, Archies witticism and his interactions with Nero Wolfe shine. By the way, this time Wolfe is forced to lift himself from his favorite office chair and go outside - an event happening so infrequently I can count the number of times it actually happened on the fingers of one hand. He did have to make some sacrifices of his routine life. This review is a copy/paste of my LeafMarks one:
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