HOT The Sea, the Storm, and the Mangrove Tangle by Lynne Cherry eng find free tom touch

HOT The Sea, the Storm, and the Mangrove Tangle by Lynne Cherry eng find free tom touch

HOT The Sea, the Storm, and the Mangrove Tangle by Lynne Cherry eng find free tom touch

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Book description
With beautiful pictures by the author, Lynne Cherry, the life of a mangrove island and all its varied inhabitants are spread before the reader. Everything from manatees to pelicans to tree crabs live in on and under the island the spreading roots make. It is like a coral reef in that it supports so much life, but even better because so many birds nest or live there. Many river fish spend a large part of their lives in the ocean so cutting down the groves endangers a food source. They also catch silt washing down the rivers, and act as a filter to manmade pollutents. Any green person or artist would enjoy this book.
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