HOT The Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film by Michael J. Weldon how read iBooks book acquire access

HOT The Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film by Michael J. Weldon how read iBooks book acquire access

HOT The Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film by Michael J. Weldon how read iBooks book acquire access

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Book description
The Complete Viewers Guide to the Weirdest Movies of All Time!From the slightly offbeat to the outlandishly bizarre...from the no-budget quickie to the multimillion-dollar box-office smash...Psychotronic films range from Attack of the Killer Tomatoes to E.T....from Angels Wild Women and Hellcats of the Navy to/Dismember Mama and Let Me Die A Woman...from sincere social commentary to utter trash.Psychotronic stars are ex-models, ex-sports heroes, dead rock idols, future presidents, would-be Marilyns, and has-beens of all types.Psychotronic films keep sleepless fans glued to their TVs and lined up outside revival houses in big cities and small towns all over the country.See these outrageous films through the eyes of Michael Weldon, the worlds leading authority on Psychotronic films!Arranged from A to Z! Crammed with rare illustrations!Featuring cast, crew, and characters!Uniquely eccentric reviews of over 3,000 movies!Warning: The author of this book has been watching these movies obsessively since the age of 6. He is now unfit for conventional employment. Because of the addictive nature of these films, we the publishers cannot guarantee that your sanity wont be endangered by reading this book.
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