HOT The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka by Amorah Quan Yin book mobile purchase find english

HOT The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka by Amorah Quan Yin book mobile purchase find english

HOT The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka by Amorah Quan Yin book mobile purchase find english

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Book description
The Pleiadian Workbook is a direct transmission from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light--Light beings from the Pleiades--who say its time now for spiritual growth, ascension, and healing. Through Amorah Quan Yin, we are taught to open our Ka Channels, which pull energy from our multidimensional, holographic selves into our physical bodies. These galactic healing techniques align us with our divine selves, raise our vibratory rates, and rejuvenate and balance our bodies, while accelerating spiritual evolution and stimulating emotional healing.
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