HOT The Perfect Yankee: The Incredible Story Of The Greatest Miracle In Baseball History by Don Larsen read fb2 on iphone

HOT The Perfect Yankee: The Incredible Story Of The Greatest Miracle In Baseball History by Don Larsen read fb2 on iphone

HOT The Perfect Yankee: The Incredible Story Of The Greatest Miracle In Baseball History by Don Larsen read fb2 on iphone

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Book description

Book description
By all accounts, the perfect game pitched by New York Yankee right-hander Don Larsen in the 1956 World Series qualifies as a true miracle. No one knows why it happened, or why an unlikely baseball player such as Don Larsen was the one who tossed it. In The Perfect Yankee, Larsen and co-author Mark Shaw describe for the first time the facts surrounding one of the most famous games in baseball history.
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