HOT The People Could Fly: American Black Folktales by Virginia Hamilton italian online reading library download

HOT The People Could Fly: American Black Folktales by Virginia Hamilton italian online reading library download

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Book description
The People Could Fly is a folk tale because it includes in it its four parts. The first part that it includes is that it must have supernatural powers. For example, in this folktale the supernatural powers are that people could fly and magic.“Kum...yali, kum buba tambe,” and more magic words, said so quickly, they sounded like whispers and sighs.The young woman lifted one foot on the air. Then the other. She flew clumsily at first, with the child now held tightly in her arms. The she felt the magic, the African mystery. Say she rose just as free as a bird. As light as a feather”(Page 2, paragraphs 19 and 20). The second part of a folktale is that it passes from generation to generation and doesn’t have an author. This might be a bit confusing because in the tittle it says that its written by Virginia Hamilton. But she didn’t create it, instead, she wrote the folktale in a book. The third rule that needs to be in a folktale is that it must have a theme, and in this folktale the theme is that if you want something you need to say it.“Take us with you!” Their looks spoke it, but they were afraid to shout it. Toby couldn’t take them with him. Hadn’t the time to teach them to fly. They must wait for a chance to run. “Goodie-bye!” the old man called Toby spoke to them, poor souls! And he was flyin’ gone. So they say. The Overseer told it. The one called Master said it was a lie, a trick of the light. The Driver kept his mouth shut”(Page 2, paragraph 28). The fourth and last part of a folktale is that it must show a culture, which in this one is an African Culture.They say the people could fly. Say that long ago in Africa, some of the people knew magic. And they would walk up on the air like climbin’ up on a gate. And they flew like blackbirds over the fields. Black, shiny wings flappin’ against the blue up there.
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