HOT The Papers of Sir William Johnson Volume 2 by William Johnson no registration download finder prewiew full

HOT The Papers of Sir William Johnson Volume 2 by William Johnson no registration download finder prewiew full

HOT The Papers of Sir William Johnson Volume 2 by William Johnson no registration download finder prewiew full

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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1922 Excerpt: greatly obligd to you for any acts of favour and friendship that may be showd to him he is esteemd a very good officer and tho a young man has been upon important services which have given him experience in the military way. I presume to address you on his behalf as I am persuaded you remember my attachment to your ffamily and the regard Sir Peter Warren had for me and wishing you all prosperity and success in your glorious enterprizes--I remain Sir, your most--ffaithful and obedient humble servant--Boleyn Whitney FROM RICHARD PETERS A. L. S. Philadelphia, 2 Feb 1756 Sir Whilst I was attending the Governor in his Journy to the Fronteer of this Province I received your Favour for which I make you my heartiest Acknowledgments. To the Condolances your Friends have made You on the Deaths of your Sister and Brother I very sincerely joyn mine. I hope Mr Clause will be of Service at the general Convention of the Indians and desire you will be pleased to favour him with a Copy of the Minutes of what passes at it, for the use of this Government, and not suffer him to stay a moment after the Indians have given their final answer but proceed with the Minutes and your Dispatches to Governor Morris, who will wait with Impatience for them as he has suspended the Execution of several measures necessary to be taken against these horrid Ravagers on our Borders till he knows ye determination of the Six Nations. It is not to be doubted, notwithstanding all that is doing or can be done for our Defence, but they will continue to murder our Inhabitants and destroy their Plantations until the Government shall offer high Rewards for Scalps and form some vigorous offensive Measures against them. As to the Information given by the Smith of our Inhabitants having killed and sc...
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