HOT The Lenient Beast by Fredric Brown reader link bookstore book touch

HOT The Lenient Beast by Fredric Brown reader link bookstore book touch

HOT The Lenient Beast by Fredric Brown reader link bookstore book touch

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Book description
Another excellent crime thriller by Fredric Brown, and one of the few of his books that I physically own and dont just read on my Kindle. Just discovered this by chance in the Oxfam Book Store I am volunteering in.This has a number of intriguing narrative devices and plot points that are ever more fascinating as they are so unusual for the time this novel was written in:The 16 chapters are written from the first person point-of-view of five different characters, one of them the eponymous killer who is already revealed Columbo-style in the first chapter. The various narrators offer a variety of points-of-views focusing on religious beliefs and mania, racial prejudices, observations on the other characters, mercy killings, alcoholism and sexual unfaithfulness etc. The nominal hero of the story is a Hispanic cop who in passing quotes Schopenhauers theory on suicide. Given that this is a Fredric Brown book it comes as little surprise that we even get a throwaway but succinct Alice in Wonderland reference. The final outcome is unconventional, yet satisfactorily logical within the framework of the overall story.Why Fredric Brown is no longer widely known will forever remain a mystery for me given that lesser crime writers of his time are still widely published and easily available.
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