HOT The JFK Cut-N-Paste Assassination (Revised Edition): Putting It Back Together by Denise Hazelwood access read find get pc

HOT The JFK Cut-N-Paste Assassination (Revised Edition): Putting It Back Together by Denise Hazelwood access read find get pc

HOT The JFK Cut-N-Paste Assassination (Revised Edition): Putting It Back Together by Denise Hazelwood access read find get pc

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What was so terrible was the thought that it had been an accident, a freak, that an inch or two here, a moment or two there would have reversed history. -William Manchester, The Death of a President (1967), p. 645, describing Jacqueline Kennedy’s grief, based on taped interviews In October, 2015, declassified CIA documents revealed that John McCone (head of the CIA from November, 1961 to April, 1965) participated in a “benign cover-up” that was “intended to keep the Warren Commission focused on ‘what the Agency believed at the time was the ‘best truth’—that Lee Harvey Oswald, for as yet undetermined motives, had acted alone in killing John Kennedy.’” The JFK Cut-N-Paste Assassination offers an explanation for that “benign cover-up” and gives explosive new look at the JFK assassination. Starting with the discovery of a single out-of-place word supporting cover-up, Denise embarked on a journey into the assassination that would lead her through new discoveries of film alteration, photographic compositing, and overlooked evidence. Synthesizing her observations with work done by other researchers, Denise realized that what really happened in Dealey Plaza was unlike anything that researchers had yet theorized. They had all the pieces, but they hadn’t quite put the puzzle together the right way. The JFK Cut-N-Paste Assassination offers a startling new theory of the assassination, from the first shot to the last, (including support for the Donahue/Menninger Mortal Error theory of the explosive head shot) that explains the “Conspiracy” evidence, the cover-up, and the Warren Commission’s predilection for laying the blame solely at Oswald’s feet. This revised edition offers new insights into the acoustical evidence as well as other new observations and “finds” supporting the author’s “early shot cover-up” thesis. About the Author: Denise holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, a Master of Science degree in Education, and 59+ credits towards an Ed.D. degree in education. She was once a housemate to J.D. Tippit’s cousin, which partly explains her interest in the Kennedy assassination. She also enjoys solving logic puzzles, which explains another part of her interest. She has written a number of articles related to Deaf Education and/or technology. This is her first book.
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