HOT The Hero and the Fat Girl by Mary Smith (Goodreads Author) epub online free

HOT The Hero and the Fat Girl by Mary Smith (Goodreads Author) epub online free

HOT The Hero and the Fat Girl by Mary Smith (Goodreads Author) epub online free

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Book description
***WARNING: There are dark topics in this novel.*** Remington Rosin is the top player in the professional hockey league. Besides hockey his only other love is for his daughter, Arabella. Currently, he’s in a custody battle with his ex-wife for his sweet eight-year-old, Remington will do anything to keep his daughter with him, even lie. Maxima Keck has kept to herself since she’s moved to Manchester, New Hampshire several years ago. But after losing a lot of weight, some of her new friends introduce her to Remington Rosin, and her life changes. Especially, when Remington asks her the biggest favor any one person can ask another. Now, Maxima has said yes to the deal, she needs to figure out if her past and self-esteem issues, Remington’s lies, and the feelings they have for each other will last until the deal is over? Or will this hockey hero break the spirit of the former fat girl?
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