HOT The Encyclopaedia of Celtic Wisdom: A Celtic Shamans Sourcebook by CaitlГ­n Matthews full version original acquire book look

HOT The Encyclopaedia of Celtic Wisdom: A Celtic Shamans Sourcebook by CaitlГ­n Matthews full version original acquire book look

HOT The Encyclopaedia of Celtic Wisdom: A Celtic Shamans Sourcebook by CaitlГ­n Matthews full version original acquire book look

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Book description
The Celtic tradition is a source of inspiration to many seeking to discover their ancestral spiritual heritage. This superb sourcebook contains many new translations of seminal Celtic texts, including stories, poems, and prose pieces, some dating from as far back as the seventh century. Key ingredients in this rich cauldron of ancient lore include sections on: . Shamanic Memory, including chapters on: The Memory of the Earth--The Memory of the Trees--The Memory of Animals--and The Memory of Ancestors . Vision Poets, Druids, and Shamanic Guardians, including chapters on: Initiations--ShapeshiftingГіDru . . . and Vision Poets . The Bright Knowledge, including chapters on: Prophecy and Divination--Healing and Soul Restoration-Dreams and Visions . Otherworldly Journeys, including chapters on: The Journey Quest--The House of the Sidhe. These ancient tales are accompanied by detailed commentaries, comprehensive background material, and practical shamanic insights. This wide-ranging sourcebook contains new translations of seminal texts, and is a must-have for any devotee of one the worlds richest religious traditions.
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