HOT The Elephant Tree by R.D. Ronald no registration doc spanish store book

HOT The Elephant Tree by R.D. Ronald no registration doc spanish store book

HOT The Elephant Tree by R.D. Ronald no registration doc spanish store book

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Book description
Mark Fallon is an overworked detective investigating a spate of attacks at a string of high profile city centre nightclubs. Scott is a dejected 24 year old struggling to make ends meet working for his brother and supplementing his income with a small-scale drug dealing operation. Angela is an attractive 23 year old, raised by her father, a career criminal and small time drug dealer who supplies Scott with cannabis. This is a chilling tale spanning a few months in the lives of Scott and Angela, where realizations about the present combine with shocking revelations from the past leading to an apocalyptic climax where they no longer know whom they can trust.
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