HOT The Devil of Jedburgh by Claire Robyns (Goodreads Author) fb2 price how to eReader book

HOT The Devil of Jedburgh by Claire Robyns (Goodreads Author) fb2 price how to eReader book

HOT The Devil of Jedburgh by Claire Robyns (Goodreads Author) fb2 price how to eReader book

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Book description
The only thing worse than being hand-fasted to the Devil of Jedburgh was falling in love with him. Raised on rumors of The Devil of Jedburgh, Breghan McAllen doesnt want an arranged marriage to the beast. The arrogant border laird is not the romantic, sophisticated husband Breghan dreams of—despite the heat he stirs within her. In need of an heir, Arran has finally agreed to take a wife, but when he sees Breghans fragile beauty, hes furious. He will not risk the life of another maiden by getting her with child. Lust prompts him to offer a compromise: necessary precautions, and hand-fasting for a year and a day, after which Breghan will be free.For a chance to control her own future, Breghan makes a deal with the Devil. Passion quickly turns to love, but Arran still has no intention of keeping the lass, or making her a mother. He loves her too much to lose her. But when a treasonous plot threatens queen and country, Breghan has to prove only she is woman enough to stand by his side.
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