HOT The Defiant Agents by Andre Norton page ebook online torrent touch

HOT The Defiant Agents by Andre Norton page ebook online torrent touch

HOT The Defiant Agents by Andre Norton page ebook online torrent touch

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Book description
The very first SF book I read was Andre Nortons The Defiant Agents. I was thirteen at the time and my mother bought it for me by mistake. By that, I mean she opened it at random and read, fresh hoof prints and thought, Lyn will enjoy this, its about horses. LOL nope, it was about time agents (actually the third book in a series) and I was hooked from the very beginning. I remember feeling a sense of outrage when Colonel Kelgarries sends Ashe to New York and then immediately orders the Apaches to the isolation of the Hypno-Lab, knowing that Ashe cant possibly warn them before his plane leaves. Subterfuge, trickery, and betrayal. All the makings of a good read. Andre Norton has the ability to make you love some characters and hate others so much that you wish you could smash them in the face (but then thats my thirteen-year-old self talking) :-)I cant say how many times Ive read it - at least twenty I would think. Its been a few years since I last read it, so I think its time to dust it off and travel once more with Travis Fox and his fellow Apache to the jewel-like disk of gold-brown called Topaz.
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