HOT The Cooking of Italy by Waverley Root epub download free

HOT The Cooking of Italy by Waverley Root epub download free

HOT The Cooking of Italy by Waverley Root epub download free

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Book description
This Vintage Books Edition (May 1992), is a repro of the Italy trip printed in 1971 by Waverley Root. Root was a foreign correspondent in Europe for nearly fifty years for American newspapers across the country and passed away in 1982. The writing style: Imagine that you have taken a year off from work, and your travelling through the Italian countryside journaling your experiences about your meals and adventures there. Reading it leaves me wanting to run out to an Italian restaurant or start cooking up a gale. Extremely detailed, the voice is like your on the trip yourself actually smelling the rose bushes, inhaling the garlic scented marinara, whiffing the wines bouquet. Its the kind of book you can only get through 5 or 6 pages at a time there is so much imagery/information to process, but - it gets your mouth watering! btw - I made reservations for 7pm...Ill have the Veal Saltimbaca, Tira Misu and Espresso please:)
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