HOT The Chosen by Kristina Ohlsson epub via read reader mobile

HOT The Chosen by Kristina Ohlsson epub via read reader mobile

HOT The Chosen by Kristina Ohlsson epub via read reader mobile

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Book description
The brand new thriller featuring Investigative Analyst Fredrika Bergman and Alex Recht of the Stockholm police.On a cold winters day, a pre-school teacher is shot to death in front of parents and children at the Jewish Congregation in Stockholm. Just a few hours later two Jewish boys go missing on their way to tennis practice. A heavy snowstorm hits Stockholm and the traces of the perpetrator are few and far between. Fredrika Bergman and Alex Recht are faced with one of their toughest challenges ever as they hunt for a killer that seems as merciless as he is effective. The leads in the investigation are many and diverse but in the end they all point to the same place: Israel. Someone or something called the Paper Boy keeps popping up in the police investigation. But who was he really? And could he possibly have resurfaced in Stockholm, now claiming new victims?
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