HOT The American Plate: A Culinary History in 100 Bites by Libby H. O'Connell online doc portable kindle wiki

HOT The American Plate: A Culinary History in 100 Bites by Libby H. O'Connell online doc portable kindle wiki

HOT The American Plate: A Culinary History in 100 Bites by Libby H. O'Connell online doc portable kindle wiki

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Book description
My thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks (non-fiction) for an eARC copy of this book to read and review.I was waffling between a 4 or 5 star review while reading this book, until I got to the last chapter and epilogue. The book is titled, The American Plate-A History of the United States in 100 Bites, which is kind of what the reader gets, except there is way too much preaching for my tastes. Yes, this country has had a lot of civil unrest with inequality, racism, sexism, etc. I dont see what quiche has to do with the feminism movement, and the author doesnt really either. She admitted it was a stretch to include it, but she wanted a food to link to the feminism movement, and since it was one eaten a lot at potlucks where the women discussed female power, that was what she chose. Huh?Also, did you know that carrot ginger soup is linked to the AIDS and equality for homosexuals movement? Again, I think it was a stretch. The thesis is that those who suffered from AIDS and were being ignored by society because of their sexual preferences needed nutrients badly and this particular soup is nutrient rich and has great mouthfeel for those who suffered from AIDS. Again, huh? And fried chicken is associated with the black rights movement because Martin Luther King Jr. enjoyed the way a certain person made it. Huh? The end of the book was too much stretching for finding a link between food and the political movements of the time. Also, Tang gets a mention, but KoolAid was completely ignored. Yes, Tang went into space, but KoolAid was around during the Great Depression and is still around. I recall using it to color my hair as a rebellious pre-teen. I agree, the civil rights movements were all incredibly important and in America, we should all be equal. I am not disputing that fact at all, but I dont see the link between the foods mentioned and the various political issues that the author was trying to make. In my opinion, the political stretching detracted from what should have been the star of the show, the food. The beginning of the book was very good and had a lot of interesting facts, though it was also somewhat heavy handed on the finger shaking at the European colonists and their descendants, it was just annoying and didnt detract much from the story of the food. As the history progressed closer and closer to the modern day, it started to get suspect and shaky. The recipes sprinkled throughout the book, especially the older ones, were interesting and fun. The strongest part of the book was the older history. It is interesting to see from where our current culinary culture evolved. I did take exception to soy being labeled as a super food. Soy is rather negative for the human body, as is wheat. The author discussed vegetarianism/veganism quite a bit, but completely ignored the other more healthy side of the coin, Paleo/Primal lifestyles. That irked me a bit.I would recommend this book with the warning that the last chapter and epilogue should be skipped entirely. Its not a bad work, but the ending detracts from the fun of the rest of it.
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