HOT Sweet Lullaby by Lorraine Heath txt ebay pdf direct link online

HOT Sweet Lullaby by Lorraine Heath txt ebay pdf direct link online

HOT Sweet Lullaby by Lorraine Heath txt ebay pdf direct link online

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Book description
Jake was a very sweet guy, too sweet for Rebecca. She wasnt a mean person, but very short-sighted, and she took him for granted. I realize that Jake made the decision to marry Rebecca, knowing that she didnt love him, but I still felt that Jakes love for her made him very vulnerable to getting his heart broken because of her immaturity and her unwillingness to let go of her past relationship with the father of her baby. What made it worse was Rebeccas lack of consideration for the fact that he was so deeply in love with her.This left a bad taste in my mouth because I dislike books where one character is so deeply in love and the other character seems almost oblivious. Jake is probably way too beta for Rebecca. I would have liked to see him with a more gentle, less self-absorbed and spoiled heroine. The whole book I felt he was just putting his heart out there to get trampled on and that certainly happened in this book.But since this is a romance, it does have a happy ending, although I finished the book with a lingering sadness knowing that Jake really didnt get loved the way he deserved to be loved. This is a well-written book and it was enjoyable, and a keeper (because its a vintage, hard to find Lorraine Heath, and a western) but Im not sure how often Id read it.
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