HOT Sports Car Racing in Camera, 1960-69: Volume 2 by Paul Parker shop text get read author

HOT Sports Car Racing in Camera, 1960-69: Volume 2 by Paul Parker shop text get read author

HOT Sports Car Racing in Camera, 1960-69: Volume 2 by Paul Parker shop text get read author

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Book description

Book description
The second volume of Sports Car Racing in Camera 1960-69 includes many evocative monochrome/colour images of the era including some of the consequences, a reminder of the ethos and risks that attended the period and its intrepid participants. These included the F1 drivers such as Moss, Gurney, Phil Hil, Clark, Stewart, Amon, G.Hill, Surtees, McLaren and later Redman, Ickx et al. It is the very antithesis of the metronomic sterility of modern tracks, sports/prototype racing and the technology that has rendered them 2 seat F1 cars.
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