HOT Smallville Season 11, Volume 5: Olympus by Bryan Q. Miller (Writer) torrent read offline audio text

HOT Smallville Season 11, Volume 5: Olympus by Bryan Q. Miller (Writer) torrent read offline audio text

HOT Smallville Season 11, Volume 5: Olympus by Bryan Q. Miller (Writer) torrent read offline audio text

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Book description
This is my favourite volume in the Smallville series so far. Bryan Q Miller is more than in his stride writing this instalment of the Smallville Superman. In this four-part adventure, you have this universes Wonder Woman making her debut, as always with a few twists (all credible and nicely interwoven). This allows us to have the myths and legends of Greek Mythology running rampage, as well as the first appearance of Felix Faust, and with his bearing in the story the emergence of magic in Clarks world. Even though there are darker elements in this story they are handled with a lightness and a humour that is refreshing and ever so enjoyable to read. I really liked the break we get from Lex and Martha Kents character coming to the fore a little more.Then there is the artwork by Jorge Jimenez and colourisation by Carrie Strachan. This is vibrant and alive, and so much in keeping with the lightness of the storytelling. The collaboration of these two artists, for me, set the perfect tone for the Smallville Superman universe.This was a sheer joy to read, a BIG THANK YOU to all involved.
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