HOT Secrets of the Tides by Hannah Richell (Goodreads Author) download text story epub sale

HOT Secrets of the Tides by Hannah Richell (Goodreads Author) download text story epub sale

HOT Secrets of the Tides by Hannah Richell (Goodreads Author) download text story epub sale

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Book description
Every family has its secrets. Some are small, like telling a white lie or snooping through a private drawer. Others are more serious, like infidelity and betrayal. And some secrets are so terrible they must be hidden away in a deep, dark place, for if they ever came to light, they would surely tear a family apart . . .The Tides are a family full of secrets. Returning to Clifftops, the rambling family house high up on the Dorset coastline, youngest daughter Dora hopes for a fresh start, for herself and the new life she carries. But can long-held secrets ever really be forgiven? And even if you can forgive, can you ever really learn to love again?Secrets of the Tides is a family drama with a dark thread of suspense at its heart.
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