HOT Scherz, Satire, Ironie und tiefere Bedeutung by Christian Dietrich Grabbe txt ebay pdf direct link online

HOT Scherz, Satire, Ironie und tiefere Bedeutung by Christian Dietrich Grabbe txt ebay pdf direct link online

HOT Scherz, Satire, Ironie und tiefere Bedeutung by Christian Dietrich Grabbe txt ebay pdf direct link online

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Book description
Sometimes funny but largely insubstantial theater, this is a trivial meta-play about trivial plays. The irony is that this parody becomes the very thing it parodies, thus presaging the cause of the ultimate downfall of Hollywood moviemaking many decades before the invention of moviemaking. I guess it was supposed to be clever when a couple of characters escaped their comeuppance by leaving the stage via the orchestra pit, and when the author of the play enters his own play at the end. Still, its a bunch of frippery. Apparently, German theater of the nineteenth century was also something akin to the rap battle, in that a lot of time on the stage is spent on trashing other playwrights, though the author coyly admits in the end that he himself has little to boast of.However, its understandable that this book would be found on the shelf of Alfred Jarrys Dr. Faustroll. Its suitable as an example of intentionally pointless absurdity.
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