HOT Savage Betrayal by Theresa Scott (Goodreads Author) store iBooks epub prewiew free

HOT Savage Betrayal by Theresa Scott (Goodreads Author) store iBooks epub prewiew free

HOT Savage Betrayal by Theresa Scott (Goodreads Author) store iBooks epub prewiew free

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Book description

Book description the worst I dont even know if half of it was historically accurate to me it felt like I was reading a long fan-fiction in my opinion the writing was so simplistic and to descriptive for its own good I was literally skipping paragraphs of detail because it just bored the hell out of me. I felt like there was little to no depth to their relationship it was pretty muchhey your my slave now and you and me are going to get busy but after that Im sure youll be attracted enough to me to feel like your in love and same to me lets just base our relationship off of sexual attraction and then go from there. I really did not enjoy this book the only reason I continued to read it til the end was to give it my honest review and I can truly and honestly say I did not like this book.
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