HOT Sadhanas from Ribhu Gita by Sri Swami Shantananda Puri Maharaj apple portable book pocket writer

HOT Sadhanas from Ribhu Gita by Sri Swami Shantananda Puri Maharaj apple portable book pocket writer

HOT Sadhanas from Ribhu Gita by Sri Swami Shantananda Puri Maharaj apple portable book pocket writer

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This is a somewhat unusual text for how extreme it is. Let me just give some quotes from the textAll the rituals are illusory. The worlds like Kailasa, Vaikuntha, heaven and hell are all illusory. All our experiences and the attachments are all illusory. All the Vedas (Holy Scriptures) are illusory. All the teachings are illusory. This only means that even though the world is an illusory creation, God has kept some exit doors like the Vedas and teachings of holy men which, though part of an illusion, will help us to get out of the illusion. All the wealth, all worldly objects and Guru (master) are all illusory. Bondage, liberation, joy and sorrow, meditation, mind etc. are all illusory. Whatever we hear, whatever we see, the body and the senses are all illusory.I have no qualities of the five basic elements like sound, touch, form etc. I am not an individual soul (Jiva). I have nothing to do with moksha. I am not subject to Vedas (scriptures) or its injunctions. I have no Guru (master) or disciples. I have no instructions or teachings. I do not have any valuable object. I have no Brahma or Vishnu or Siva or the Sun. I have no ‘karma’. I have no lineage. I am convinced. I have no goal. I have no meditation. Neither cold nor heat affects me. I do not do any Japa (chanting of a mantra). I have no fear. I have no greed, no appetite. As I am everywhere, there is no front nor back nor upwards. I have nothing to say, to hear, to think, to enjoy or to remember.There is nothing called ‘this world’ or ‘other world’. I alone am. I am the pure Brahman. All indeed is Brahman alone. The mind is illusory like the horns of a hare or like the son of a barren woman. Mind alone has become the samsara (the phenomenal world). Mind is the cycle of birth and death. Mind alone binds us.All this (world) is the Supreme Self and nothing else exists other than the Atman (Self) alone. The Self is always in the form of eternal bliss. It is of16 perfect nature and is not lacking anything. It is holy and eternal. Its form never undergoes any change. It is pure.So you can immediately see how this is almost Zen like, or very comparable in any case to some forms of Buddhism (Shankaracharya would be cringing right now for seeing me type this). t has a very radical doctrine of maya, bleeding perhaps into shunyavada, yet Brahman and Atman is core to it. The universe is totally illusory, yet the universe is also totally synonymous with Atman-Brahman. The apparent reality of the universe is therefore a product of self deception, or rather, a confusion of the illusory aspect of Brahman-Atman with the real aspect. It is one of the few texts Ive read which actually criticize inquiry into What is Brahman? as a spook, and to instead impel the reader to ask What am I? as the correct avenue. This is why the text is fundamentally a mystic and not an intellectual text. Reading is kind of pointless given that all this is illusory anyway. Thats why some of these passages have a koan like quality to them I think. You need to actually meditate to get the point of the text. Its all somewhat confusing Im sure, if you havent read this stuff before. In any case the fact that such an austere and aesthetically iconoclastic yet orthodox philosophy exists is pretty telling about the nature of the Hindu tradition.
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